Friday, March 4, 2011

Mark your calendars! June 24th is "Take Your Dog To Work" Day

Milzy and Hammers
I'm sure you winter-weather-weary folks are looking forward to summer.  We are getting a glimpse of it here in the West - 80 degrees this weekend!

I discovered that June 24th is "Take Your Dog to Work" day and thought it might be something fun for you to plan for your office.

One of the perks of working from a home office is that my dogs, Hamilton and Milhouse, come to work with me every day.  Their main responsibility is to alert me when the UPS man is making a delivery, which is typically every other day.  Sometimes the delivers are made in the mornings, but most often it's right in the middle of nap time....for my kids, not me!  If only Hammers and Milzy could pull samples, return emails, or sweep up after themselves....

If you or your coworkers love your dogs as much as I do, convince them to celebrate the annual "Take Your Dog to Work Day" this summer.  See the website link below for more info about this great organization - while there, enter a photo for their contest! 

Start getting your pooch ready for the event with the following tips, which can be found on their website:

Tips for Dog Day Success
  • Dogs should be kept on a leash, unless in the employee's office or cubicle.
  • Employees should use a baby gate to prevent dogs from leaving their office unsupervised.
  • Specific areas, such as bathrooms or employee dining halls, can be designated as dog-free.
  • Have a back up plan for taking the dog home if he is not comfortable in the work environment.
  • Find a local pet sitter at to provide midday walks to employees' dogs.
The "dog days of summer" will be here before we know it, ...but probably not before some weird Easter blizzard for you folks in the Midwest...hang in there!

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