Friday, April 8, 2011

Break Time! Time for planning...

At the beginning of every month, when I put the new Franklin Covey calendar into my planner, I take a look back at the previous month just to make sure I haven't missed anything, forgotten to do something, or didn't follow up on something that should be followed up on.  This month I went to my favorite coffee shop to enjoy a skinny vanilla iced (decaf) latte while I went down memory lane.  This ritual of taking a break from the daily barage of emails and phone calls - ok, I haven't experience a "barage" lately, but the good news is that I am getting busier as the economy slowly inches toward improvement - where was I?  Oh, yes, taking a break allows me to get focused and actually be strategic in my planning for the days and weeks ahead.  Leads and follow up calls get listed as "to-do"s in a neat single sheet and my travel plans usually all get ironed out while doing this simple 20 minute exercise.  What rituals do you have to help get you re-focused?  Please leave a comment....

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